The Rowntree story begins in 1862, when Henry Rowntree bought a cocoa works in York and transformed it into a confectionary company. Along with his brother, Joseph, and French confectioner August Claude Gaget, they developed the delicious taste of Rowntree’s® Fruit Pastilles in 1881.

Fruit Gums were invented in 1893, and they’ve been a classic ever since.

For more than 130 years these delicious chewy sweets have been making days more colourful with their irresistibly fruity taste and mouth-watering texture.

Showing all 5 results

  • Rowntree’s Fruit Gums Pouch 120g

    R79.90 Add to basket
  • Rowntree’s Fruit Gums Pouch 150g

    R84.90 Add to basket
  • Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles Pouch 114g

    R69.90 Add to basket
  • Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles Pouch 143g

    R84.90 Add to basket
  • Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles Strawberry and Blackcurrant Pouch 143g

    R84.90 Add to basket